Spotify App not working in Wifi and LAN

I have the problem that i can´t play spotify music.

That problem is on lan network on a windows machine and alle mobile phones with spotify app. And when i can play spotify music ( i think titles that are offline) i can´t play them on google speakers. The speakers “bling” one time and thean dropped.


RUTX50 without wifi activated

3 TAP 200 connect via LAN direct to RUTX50 SSID all the same.

One IP Range, 1 Subnet. No VLAN.

Everething else work properly.

What i have to check?

Grettings from germany

Did you upgrade your RUTX50 to the latest firmware which is 07.06.10 at the moment?

RUTX50 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Yes :slight_smile:

Are the TAPs on latest firmware TAP200_R_00.07.06.10 ?

Which provider you’re using (contract/prepaid?) and what’s your APN settings?


Provider > Contract Full flat


Okay, all sounds correct so far.

So, when mobile phone connected to Telekom (no RUTX, no TAP, no WiFi, → pure mobile connection), is Spotify working then?
Are you able to stream music at all?
And no, playing offline (= downloaded) content doesn’t count :wink:

Yes. I checked that. WiFi off, Mobile phone direct connectet cellular, Spotify works fine.

The issue is in the network components.


How are Google speakers connected to the RUTX50, as you mentioned Wi-Fi is turned off. Bluetooth?

Best regards,

Router WiFi ist Off.

The three TAP 200 has WiFi on.


Alright, let’s confirm if your speakers are connected to the WiFi and have internet access. To do this, go to Status → Network → Topology and scan the LAN network. Check if your speakers’ IP address is listed.

If you haven’t made any additional configurations on your device, Google speakers should work fine without any port opening or traffic rule adjustments. The issue might very likely be with the speakers themselves.

Best regards,

Thats okay. They are working.

The first problem is, Spotify ist not connectet to rhe internet.


Does music play when you are connected to the internet?

There might be the case that Google speaker needs an active Spotify connection (device being online) to play music as Google speaker is not just a regular wifi speaker.

Best regards,

Thats true.

It´s a little bit tricky. Without change anything it´s working sometimes. Now it´s working yesterday, not.

I want to know is there something to watch, what caused this problem?

Any stuff with the ports, rules or something like that.


Smart devices typically communicate via HTTP(S) protocols. Ports for these protocols are usually open for communication by default, especially for LAN to LAN communication. I would suggest trying to reach out to Google/Spotify tech support for assistance.

Best regards,

I did a lot of testing. At the end - reset router and set it up complet new.

Now it works fine. :-/


I’m glad you were able to fix the issue you were encountering. It seems it was hidden within some configuration. Either way, if you experience any other issues, feel free to reach out again.

Best regards,