Sms utilities - status response

In a previous post I explained that I needed to patch the sms-utilities binary in my rutx50 to remove the automatically generated status message being appended to my constructed sms message when using the ‘execute custom script’ and that it is impossible to make a choice of not sending anything at all if one should choose to do so.

With every new update of the firmware my edited binary is overwritten by the update so I need to manually scan the binary to then re-edit the binary. This is a pain and should not be necessary.

Even with the latest v7.09 the sms-utilities still appends the extra status message to the user scripts sms output and there is still no way of -not- sending any message at all as soon as a custom script is run.

I have asked this at several occations: How can I intercept sms messages before the sms-utilities does? Do I have to create a wrapper?

Please remove this limitation of the sms utilities. Should I ever need to send a status message, then I can do that myself…

Hi roblof,

I understand the hassle you are facing with this. Our development team is already aware of this. Kindly expect this option on the next firmware release (might be with 7.10) where an on/off toggle is available for return of status code.


@Janmiguel , awesome news! Tnx for the attention.


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