Slow speed on RUT241


I have a problem that router RUT241 limits my downlaod speed. I did a factory reset but the speed still can be up to 25-27mbps.
Tried using 4G sim card and now using Starlink as bypassed WAN. However, in both cases the speed is limited.

I also tried to connect another router through Starlink and 4G sim card, the speed is about 300mbps.

Do you have any ideas why the Teltonika router RUT241 limits the download speed?

Thank you!

Can you make sure to run on latest firmware 07.10.2 and when you upgrade, make sure “Keep Settings” is UNticked:

RUT241 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Thank you, let me try.
I’ll let you know if that helps.

I’ve updated the router to the latest version, but the speed issue still exists. When I upgraded the version i unchecked checkbox ‘keep settings’ so it cleared all my pwds. Any other solutions? Thanks

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