Today I needed to join a remote device to my Tailnet in order to access a resource. The primary WAN was down, so I was connecting via RMS proxy. The Tailscale “login auth” popup does not seem functional from inside the proxied connection.
I tried to manually install the package…
opkg update
opkg install tailscale
…but doing so did not appear to make the package functional - it did not appear in the installed packages list in the web interface, nor did it add config menu to VPN section. So I ended up installing it via RMS GUI.
Then I tried to join from CLI using auth key, something like:
To install the Tailscale package on your device via CLI, please follow these steps:
Download the zip file of the package for your device’s firmware version from here.
Transfer the .ipk files from your PC to the /tmp folder on your RUTX11.
Once the files are in the /tmp folder, install them using the command opkg install <file name>
After completing these steps, the Tailscale package will be installed on your device. To see how to use the Tailscale command, execute: tailscale.
This will display a list of available commands.
Apologies for any confusion. Yes, the package file is .tar.gz. Regarding the files, please transfer all three .ipk files from your PC to the /tmp folder on your RUTX11. Once the files are transferred, SSH into the router, navigate to the /tmp folder by executing cd /tmp, and install each of the .ipk files using the command opkg install <file name> (e.g., opkg install tailscale_1.70.0-3_arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4.ipk).
Thank you. I am working through this now. I found that in order to enable the package / service after install, I need to use the local API, something like:
cd /tmp
tar xvfz tailscale.tar.gz
opkg install vuci-app-tailscale-api*.ipk vuci-app-tailscale-ui*.ipk tailscale*.ipk
api put /tailscale/config '{ "data": [{
"enabled": "1",
"default_route": "0",
"id": "general",
"accept_routes": "0",
"advert_routes": [ "" ],
"auth_type": "url",
"exit_node": "0"
Then we can run the command below to get the login url to register and authorize the node
Yes everything worked. I also tested and confirmed that the steps above are possible to execute successfully using RMS proxy CLI. So, if you confirm that the steps are good and correct, I consider this “solved”.
To enable Tailscale without using an API, you can follow these steps:
Execute: uci set tailscale.settings.enabled='1'
Execute: uci commit
Execute: /etc/init.d/tailscale restart
After applying the changes and restarting the Tailscale service, you can execute: tailscale up. The website for authentication will be provided via the CLI.