Sending Input Output status via Data Server MQTT

Hi, I have a RUT360 e
I’m trying to send I/O PIN status through Data to Server with MQTT.
I can send in json everything related to Basde / Gsm / Mobile Usage / MNF Info … but nothing that concerns the most important thing for me, the status of the GPIOs.
You can help me ? Thank you


The router only sent the values when you reqest it.
Something like
$ mosquitto_pub -h -p 1833 -u user -P pass -t router/get -pin2


I/O status is not usually monitored continuously but rather on state change. For monitoring it, we have another service called I/O Juggler: I/O Juggler. When an I/O is triggered, it can perform actions such as sending an SMS, email, or HTTP POST/GET.

Kind regards,

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Many Thanks

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