TRB140 gateway
SDK: rutos-mdm9x07-trb1-sdk
Development platform: Centos stream 8
when run [./scripts/feeds update -a]
error as:
Check with dnd command, result as:
As attached screenshot, “which” is installed and version is 2.21-17.el8
Please advise how to fix this issue.
which is an alias, unalias it:
unalias which
Hi. Flehourse
Tried to remove the [which] alias by run [unalias which],
centos response as [-bash: unalias: which: not found] that means, [which] is not regular alias was defined by unix command [alias]
Check with command [which which],
Centos 8 response as:
Most likely, it is a hard coded alias by package installation, it is not removable;
Thank! [unset which] works fine.
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