RUTxxx in Relayed mode

The topic I posed was closed and also solved thanks to Martynas reply saying: " The solution for your described scenario would be to use a Relayd mode, which bridges the WAN and LAN interfaces while using the RUT951 as a client to the WiFi network. Please follow the steps from the configuration example provided on this wiki page: RUTOS relay / Wi-Fi extender / repeater / bridge configuration." Following the manual solved my issue. Thanks.

I seemed to have found one inconsistency in this manual though. At some point the manual reads: ‘Next window that opens will be Wireless client Configuration. Values there, mostly, should be left unchanged to avoid connection problems, because they are dictated by Access Point. Other than that, only difference from Access Point settings are in Interface Configuration → General Setup section, where Mode is set to Client, and Network attached to this wireless interface is WAN instead of LAN:’

However, the screenshot that follows below this text shows ‘Wifi1’, not LAN, nor WAN. Selecting one these gives an error message and you need to delete the Wifi connection just made to get ‘Wifi1’ back, a setting that worked for me. So, it might be the case that the manual needs some tuning here.



Could you please specify the error message you see? Thank you.

Best regards,

I’ll try to make a screen shot for you in a few days.


Dear Marija,

Here’s a screen shot of the Wireless client Configuration-page. Here wifi1 is selected in the Network field. This is the right choice.

As said the text of the manual seems to suggest to select WAN here. If you do you get this when hovering over de Network field:

I hope this answers your question.

All the best,



You should select “wifi1” here. It is a newly created interface that is used as WAN.

Best regards,

Yes, one should select “wifi1” here, but the manual is not clear at this point. So, my point is that Teltonika should probably reconsider the sentence on the choice for the network field.

Sorry for any misunderstanding. “wifi1” is the wireless WAN interface, which is why the article states that you should select the WAN interface (since the default WiFi works on the LAN interface). I hope this clarifies things, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will work on making our configuration examples more understandable for everyone.

Best regards,

Thanks, case closed :slight_smile: