RUTX50 with German Telekom hybrid line

Dear Teltonika team and users,

I am planning to employ a RUTX50 to run a German Telekom hybrid connection combining a cable based and 5G Telekom connection. The cable based signal is provided by a Speedlink 5501 DSL-router.

  1. Will the aggregation of the DSL signal fed into WAN port and the 5g signal provided by the internal modem of the RUTX50 be done automatically?

  2. Do I have to take into consideration special issues regarding load balancing or is it performed automatically?

The RUT50 is intended to be the main source of internet connction in my network configuration.

Have many thanks in advance.

Kind regards



Thank you for reaching out.

  1. Could you please clarify your question? The RUTX50 can use both mobile WAN (5G) and wired WAN (DSL via Speedlink 5501) simultaneously. However, these connections are handled as separate interfaces, and aggregation (i.e., combining both to increase bandwidth) is not done automatically.
  2. There are no known issues with load balancing on the RUTX50. By default, load balancing is disabled. If you’d like to split traffic between your wired and mobile WAN connections, you’ll need to manually configure it. You can find detailed information on how to set up load balancing here: RUTX50 Load Balancing Guide.

By default, if your primary connection is set to the wired WAN (Speedlink router), all traffic will route through that interface (metric 1).

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,

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