RUTX50 wifi and device startup after unexpected shutdown

Hi guys!
I have some problems with my RUTX50.Today I noticed that my wifi is not working.Both 2,4ghz and 5ghz SSID are visible with ok signal but I cant connect to it.When I have watched the logs I found that the wifi was disconnected by the router.Now it shows connected but I can not connect to it.(I see only secured but not connected).RUTX50 is up to date.I also noticed that my router disconnects too many times(Device startup after unexpected shutdown)I cant figure out where is the problem.
Thanks in advance for your respond

Connect a LAN cable, upgrade your box to firmware 07.08.2 and make sure “Keep Settings” is NOT ticked.
But be careful - you’re on factory defaults afterwards.
Wifi should be okay then.

And still not working

“Teltonika” and “Teltonika 5G” are not the default SSID’s.

Are you sure you went back to factory defaults?

No.How can I make factory defaults.With router factory reset?(sorry for my stupidity)

Thanks.Now its working OK.I have one more question.I have bought
QuPanel 5G/LTE MIMO 4x4 - directional 5G antenna with IP67 enclosure external antenna.Is it important how is connected to the router(number order from left to right)
Thank you

Good to hear a factory reset helped :slight_smile:

Regarding antenna:
As far as I know you should be fine as long as you connect all 4 cables properly to the corresponding connector on the back where it says “Mobile”.

RUTX50 mobile antenna connector order - Crowd Support Forum | Teltonika Networks

Thank you and have a nice day

You’re welcome.
This is what this Community is there for :slight_smile:

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