RUTX50: Visual colour housing changes

Teltonika Team,

RUTX50 Product Change Notifications - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Can you

  • say from which production batch the black chassy will be delivered? At the moment we get batch 0018 when we order trough our reseller
  • fix the date in the link I provided? It says " {{{Full_date}}}: Visual colour housing changes"

Thank you.


  • The page indicates that the changes will be implemented gradually over a 3-month transitional period starting in April 2024. This suggests that there won’t be a specific batch (if there were, a specific date would be provided), but rather a mix of batches.

  • Regarding the {{{Full_date}}}, I apologize for any inconvenience. This field should contain the date when this article was created.

Best Regards,

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Okay, thanks Marija.
I thought I’d ask if there’s a specific batch :wink:
Excited to see the black one live soon!

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