RUTX50 SSID WIFI 5Ghz stops working

I have had this problem for a while now across at least last 3 firmware updates. The 5Ghz WIFI radio drops out and is no longer discoverable, logging into device shows 0% signal and all clients disconnected.

2.4Ghz radio works fine, no issues.

This isn’t an interference issue, and I also checked that the channels were not set to auto so not selecting DFS as I thought they may be disappearing due to interference.

Only way to resolve it is to reboot the device, but this is happening daily.

It’s like it’s switching off and no longer working, I have tried long periods of not rebooting to see if it will sort itself with no improvement.

I’ve tried different antennas to rule out this issue but nothing seems to work.

Sometimes 36 hour pass and think I’ve solved it then happens again.

Tried fully flashing unit and starting again, doesn’t fix anything.

Could this be a faulty unit as it doesn’t seem to be firmware dependant and secondly after speaking to my supplier no one else is having the issue.

The WiFi on the 5GHz has always been slow on this router, if I connect via the Ethernet port and get 400gbps the wifi will only do 60-80gbps, which has always struck me as odd.

Maximum number of clients on 5Ghz is no more than 6 at a time.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Besides different firmware versions, did you try a factory reset already at firmware 07.08.2?

Hey, yes tried several times to see if it just needed a full refresh. I also tried not reloading settings from saved file and manually configuring.

Had this issue for around 3 months at least.

Everything else seems to work just fine.

I mean 3 hours later its dead again.

Something that might be interesting is wven though ifs manually set to channel 146, in the status page where you see the overview it says channel 116 which is a DFS channel.

Seems odd you lock it to a chanel and it says its on something different.

Frequency scan shows nothing on the upper chanels.


Hi superclarkey,

Welcome back to Teltoniika Networks Community!

Can you share the logs when Wi-Fi disconnection is occurring? Kindly blur out any sensitive information in the logs. Thank you.


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