RUTX50 locks up

Hello again

My old topic was closed due to no response so I try again. Latest firmware for modem and router.

First issue in December the router locks up and gets unresponsive. I could not log in and had to pull the power cable. After a few tries it started working again. Several resets to factory default. I use router with no DHCP which is handled by my other routerWLC. RutX50 connected form lan port to wan on UniFi Router/Wlc. RutX50
Is and UniFi router is handling the 192.168.0 VLAN

Lately rutx50 has been working several days and after that no internet connection but I have been able to login (guess accessible now because of new firmware). Try restart modem and toggle network settings between 5G and 4G but still no internet connection. After reboot it works again.

From yesterday Rutx50 has lost connection to internet maybe 10 times, only reboot will make it work again.

I would be very happy to help test and take out logs etc. if you want? I don’t want to do factory reset just yet as it might help you find the issue when it’s in this state?

Please help and I will be very happy to help sort this issue.

My vendor wants to bring in the rutx50 for testing but I’m sure they will not have the competence or patience to run the router for longer times.


Firstly, we would like to know the topology here, also address the following doubts

  • role of the unifi

  • why dhcp is off on RUTX50,since it is the Main WAN source

We would like to ask your help in testing the following steps:

  1. The first step is to gain SSH access or CLI (System>Maintenance>CLI)

  2. Second, we wanted you to give the screenshots of the LOGS ,run ‘logread’ after you replicate the issue, and Screenshot the logs at least 10-50 lines .

  3. Your Network Config, which could be found using the command cat /etc/config/network

Let us see what is causing this issue

Best Regards

Hello and thanks for getting back so rapidly Rashid!

Role of the unifi is router my wifi including 2 switches and wlc for 2 AP:s. Its handling DHCP for my local network devices.

I meant DHCP is handled by my unifi router for internal devices on 192.168.0

As soon as the issue is replicated i will post logs here.

Her is the network config:

BusyBox v1.34.1 (2024-01-02 08:00:03 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

____        _    ___  ____                                                                             

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 Teltonika RUTX series 2024                                                                            

Device: RUTX50
Kernel: 5.10.199
Firmware: RUTX_R_00.07.06.1
Build: 0f141b8753
Build date: 2024-01-02 09:57:45

root@RUTX50:~# cat /etc/config/network

config interface ‘loopback’
option device ‘lo’
option proto ‘static’
option ipaddr ‘’
option netmask ‘’
option _area_type ‘lan’
option area_type ‘lan’

config globals ‘globals’
option ula_prefix ‘fd3a:83a4:f458::/48’

config port ‘_lan1’
option enabled ‘1’
option autoneg ‘on’
option role ‘lan’
option port_num ‘1’

config port ‘_lan2’
option enabled ‘1’
option autoneg ‘on’
option role ‘lan’
option port_num ‘2’

config port ‘_lan3’
option enabled ‘1’
option autoneg ‘on’
option role ‘lan’
option port_num ‘3’

config port ‘_lan4’
option enabled ‘1’
option autoneg ‘on’
option role ‘lan’
option port_num ‘4’

config port ‘_wan5’
option enabled ‘1’
option autoneg ‘on’
option role ‘wan’
option port_num ‘5’
option ifname ‘eth1’

config device ‘br_lan’
option name ‘br-lan’
option type ‘bridge’
list ports ‘eth0’

config interface ‘lan’
option device ‘br-lan’
option _area_type ‘lan’
option proto ‘static’
option ipaddr ‘’
option netmask ‘’
option ip6assign ‘60’
option area_type ‘lan’

config interface ‘wan’
option device ‘eth1’
option proto ‘dhcp’
option metric ‘1’
option _area_type ‘wan’
option area_type ‘wan’

config interface ‘wan6’
option device ‘eth1’
option proto ‘dhcpv6’
option metric ‘2’
option _area_type ‘wan’
option area_type ‘wan’

config switch
option name ‘switch0’
option reset ‘1’
option enable_vlan ‘1’

config switch_vlan
option device ‘switch0’
option vlan ‘1’
option vid ‘1’
option ports ‘1 2 3 4 0’

config switch_vlan
option device ‘switch0’
option vlan ‘2’
option vid ‘2’
option ports ‘5 0’

config interface ‘mob1s1a1’
option proto ‘wwan’
option modem ‘2-1’
option metric ‘3’
option sim ‘1’
option dhcpv6 ‘0’
option pdptype ‘ip’
option method ‘nat’
option _area_type ‘wan’
option pdp ‘1’
option pref_apn ‘434’
option auto_apn ‘0’
option apn ‘’
option area_type ‘wan’
option auth ‘pap’

config interface ‘mob1s2a1’
option proto ‘wwan’
option modem ‘2-1’
option metric ‘4’
option sim ‘2’
option dhcpv6 ‘0’
option pdptype ‘ip’
option method ‘nat’
option auth ‘none’
option auto_apn ‘1’
option _area_type ‘wan’
option area_type ‘wan’


Im streaming 4k on 2 devices, downloading Ps5 games and wife is streaming on Netflix, lets see what happens and of course everything is running smooth now… :slight_smile:

Hello again

So the router crashed/connection dropped this morning.
No internet connection, modem say it connected to 5G(NSA), local speedtest no connection.

Here is the log from tonight:

Fri Jan 12 23:03:03 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Fri Jan 12 23:03:03 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 00:03:03 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 00:03:03 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 01:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 01:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 02:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 02:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 03:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 03:03:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 03:03:21 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 70:a7:41:
Sat Jan 13 03:03:21 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 70:a7:41:fc:a
Sat Jan 13 04:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 04:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 05:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 05:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 06:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 06:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 07:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 07:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 07:52:07 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7473]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 07:54:30 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7473]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 07:56:53 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7473]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 07:59:17 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7473]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 08:01:40 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7473]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 08:03:05 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 08:03:06 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 08:16:56 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for admin on HTTP from
Sat Jan 13 08:16:56 2024 daemon.err uhttpd[2110]: vuci: accepted login for admin from
Sat Jan 13 08:19:04 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for admin on HTTP from
Sat Jan 13 08:19:04 2024 daemon.err uhttpd[2110]: vuci: accepted login for admin from
Sat Jan 13 08:19:26 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/0) from 192.168.1.


AFTER RESTART MODEM (no internet, modem say its connected to 5GNSA:)

Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Config reload initiated
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] SIM is ready
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Stopping network mob1s1a1
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is down
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity loss
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Stopping network on /dev/cdc-wdm0!
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–stop-network 0xFFFFFFFF --autoconnect
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such devi
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4821): udhcpc: received SIGTERM
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–release-client-id wds
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is disabled
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3494]: no servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf.d/, will retry
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Releasing client-id 14 on /dev/cdc-
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22232): Command failed: Permission denied
Sat Jan 13 08:22:52 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:22:53 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:53 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:53 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:53 2024 Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Modem settings init completed
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Starting connection setup
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Attempting to establish connection to oper
ator with “15s” of timeout
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Connected to operator “Telenor SE Telenor
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CFUN- Functionality: “Full”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -COPS- Mode: “Auto”, operator: “Telenor SE
Telenor SE”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location infor
mation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34103”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CGREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CEREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34103”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -C5GREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location inf
ormation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] IP address on PDP context “1”: “100.92.212
Sat Jan 13 08:22:54 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:22:55 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): wwan[22654] Using wwan usb device o
n bus 2-1
Sat Jan 13 08:22:55 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): wwan[22654] Using proto:qmapv5 devi
ce:/dev/cdc-wdm0 iface:wwan0 desc:Quectel RG50X
Sat Jan 13 08:22:55 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Quering active sim position
Sat Jan 13 08:22:55 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Calculated qmimux ifname: qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:22:55 2024 user.notice root: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wda-set-data-forma
t --qos-format 0 --link-layer-protocol raw-ip --endpoint-type hsusb --endpoint-iface-number 4 --ul-p
rotocol qmapv5 --dl-protocol qmapv5 --ul-max-datagrams 11 --ul-datagram-max-size 8192 --dl-max-datag
rams 62 --dl-datagram-max-size 31744 --dl-min-padding 0
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Starting network mob1s1a1 using APN
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --release-client-id wds --modify-profile --profile-identifier 3gpp,1 --profile-name profile1 –
roaming-disallowed-flag no --auth-type pap --apn --pdp-type ip
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --get-client-id wd
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): 14
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): cid4: 14
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wds-bind-mux-dat
a-port --mux-id 1 --ep-iface-number 4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-ip-family ip
v4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --start-network --apn --profile 1 --auth-type pap --username --password
Sat Jan 13 08:22:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): pdh4: 1236442160
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): 1236442160
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Setting up qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Setting dynamic MTU: 1500 on qmimux
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘wwan0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (22654): Setting up qmimux0 V4 DCHP
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is enabled
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: started, v1.34.1
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: broadcasting discover
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: broadcasting select for 1, server
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1 (wwan0)
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 mobifd: Auto APN is disabled for ‘mob1s1a1’. Skipping Ping To D
NS functionality
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: reading /tmp/resolv.conf.d/
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 mobifd: Connection setup completed for ‘mob1s1a1’
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain te
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain on
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain in
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain bi
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain la
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:22:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:22:58 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:58 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:58 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:22:58 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1_4 (qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 Mobile data connected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 Joined LTE network (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:23:00 2024 Connected to Telenor SE Telenor SE operator (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:23:14 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/1) from 192.168.1.

AFTER TOGGLE MOBILE CONNECTION 5G → 4G (still no connection, modem say its 4G connected)

Sat Jan 13 08:26:36 2024 kern.notice kernel: simcard configuration has been changed
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 mobifd: Service reload initiated
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Config reload initiated
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] SIM is ready
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Stopping network mob1s1a1
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is down
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity loss
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Stopping network on /dev/cdc-wdm0!
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–stop-network 0xFFFFFFFF --autoconnect
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such dev
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (23009): udhcpc: received SIGTERM
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–release-client-id wds
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is disabled
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3494]: no servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf.d/, will retry
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Releasing client-id 14 on /dev/cdc-
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26258): Command failed: Permission denied
Sat Jan 13 08:26:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:26:39 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:39 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:39 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:39 2024 Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Modem settings init completed
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Starting connection setup
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Attempting to establish connection to oper
ator with “15s” of timeout
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Connected to operator “Telenor SE Telenor
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CFUN- Functionality: “Full”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -COPS- Mode: “Auto”, operator: “Telenor SE
Telenor SE”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location infor
mation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34101”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CGREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CEREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34101”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -C5GREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location inf
ormation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] IP address on PDP context “1”: “100.92.212
Sat Jan 13 08:26:40 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): wwan[26722] Using wwan usb device o
n bus 2-1
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): wwan[26722] Using proto:qmapv5 devi
ce:/dev/cdc-wdm0 iface:wwan0 desc:Quectel RG50X
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Quering active sim position
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Calculated qmimux ifname: qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 user.notice root: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wda-set-data-forma
t --qos-format 0 --link-layer-protocol raw-ip --endpoint-type hsusb --endpoint-iface-number 4 --ul-p
rotocol qmapv5 --dl-protocol qmapv5 --ul-max-datagrams 11 --ul-datagram-max-size 8192 --dl-max-datag
rams 62 --dl-datagram-max-size 31744 --dl-min-padding 0
Sat Jan 13 08:26:41 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Starting network mob1s1a1 using APN
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --release-client-id wds --modify-profile --profile-identifier 3gpp,1 --profile-name profile1 –
roaming-disallowed-flag no --auth-type pap --apn --pdp-type ip
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --get-client-id wd
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): 14
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): cid4: 14
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wds-bind-mux-dat
a-port --mux-id 1 --ep-iface-number 4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-ip-family ip
v4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --start-network --apn --profile 1 --auth-type pap --username --password
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): pdh4: 1246488192
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): 1246488192
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Setting up qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Setting dynamic MTU: 1500 on qmimux
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘wwan0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (26722): Setting up qmimux0 V4 DCHP
Sat Jan 13 08:26:42 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is enabled
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: started, v1.34.1
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: broadcasting discover
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: broadcasting select for 1, server
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1 (wwan0)
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 mobifd: Auto APN is disabled for ‘mob1s1a1’. Skipping Ping To D
NS functionality
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: reading /tmp/resolv.conf.d/
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain te
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain on
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain in
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain bi
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain la
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:26:43 2024 mobifd: Connection setup completed for ‘mob1s1a1’
Sat Jan 13 08:26:45 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:45 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:45 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:45 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1_4 (qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 Mobile data connected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 Joined LTE network (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:26:47 2024 Connected to Telenor SE Telenor SE operator (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:27:35 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/0) from 192.168.1.

AFTER TOGGLE 4G → 5G, no internet modem say 5G is connected.

Sat Jan 13 08:29:55 2024 kern.notice kernel: simcard configuration has been changed
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 mobifd: Service reload initiated
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Config reload initiated
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] SIM is ready
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Stopping network mob1s1a1
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is down
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity loss
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Stopping network on /dev/cdc-wdm0!
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–stop-network 0xFFFFFFFF --autoconnect
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such dev
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (27064): udhcpc: received SIGTERM
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -s -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -t 3000 --set-client-id wds,14
–release-client-id wds
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is disabled
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3494]: no servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf.d/, will retry
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Releasing client-id 14 on /dev/cdc-
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:29:56 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Command failed: Not found
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (29765): Command failed: Permission denied
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now down
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:29:57 2024 Mobile data disconnected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Modem settings init completed
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Starting connection setup
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Attempting to establish connection to oper
ator with “15s” of timeout
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] Connected to operator “Telenor SE Telenor
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CFUN- Functionality: “Full”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -COPS- Mode: “Auto”, operator: “Telenor SE
Telenor SE”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location infor
mation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34101”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CGREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -CEREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location info
rmation)”, status: “Registered, home”, LAC: “34101”, cell ID: “88141836”, technology: “E-UTRAN”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:58 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] -C5GREG- Mode: “Enabled (with location inf
ormation)”, status: “Not registered”, LAC: “”, cell ID: “”, technology: “Unknown”
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 mobifd: [gsm.modem0] IP address on PDP context “1”: “100.92.212
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): wwan[30226] Using wwan usb device o
n bus 2-1
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): wwan[30226] Using proto:qmapv5 devi
ce:/dev/cdc-wdm0 iface:wwan0 desc:Quectel RG50X
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Quering active sim position
Sat Jan 13 08:29:59 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Calculated qmimux ifname: qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 user.notice root: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wda-set-data-forma
t --qos-format 0 --link-layer-protocol raw-ip --endpoint-type hsusb --endpoint-iface-number 4 --ul-p
rotocol qmapv5 --dl-protocol qmapv5 --ul-max-datagrams 11 --ul-datagram-max-size 8192 --dl-max-datag
rams 62 --dl-datagram-max-size 31744 --dl-min-padding 0
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Starting network mob1s1a1 using APN
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --release-client-id wds --modify-profile --profile-identifier 3gpp,1 --profile-name profile1 –
roaming-disallowed-flag no --auth-type pap --apn --pdp-type ip
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --get-client-id wd
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): 14
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): cid4: 14
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --wds-bind-mux-dat
a-port --mux-id 1 --ep-iface-number 4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:30:00 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-ip-family ip
v4 --set-client-id wds,14
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 user.notice netifd: uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --timeout 6000 --set-client-id wd
s,14 --start-network --apn --profile 1 --auth-type pap --username --password
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): pdh4: 1245777040
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): 1245777040
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Setting up qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Setting dynamic MTU: 1500 on qmimux
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘wwan0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1 (30226): Setting up qmimux0 V4 DCHP
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is enabled
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Network device ‘qmimux0’ link is up
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ has link connectivity
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is setting up now
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: started, v1.34.1
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: broadcasting discover
Sat Jan 13 08:30:01 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1 (wwan0)
Sat Jan 13 08:30:03 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:03 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:03 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:04 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: broadcasting discover
Sat Jan 13 08:30:07 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: broadcasting discover
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: broadcasting select for 1, server
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (30538): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 mobifd: Auto APN is disabled for ‘mob1s1a1’. Skipping Ping To D
NS functionality
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface ‘mob1s1a1_4’ is now up
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: reading /tmp/resolv.conf.d/
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain te
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain on
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain lo
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain in
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain bi
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 mobifd: Connection setup completed for ‘mob1s1a1’
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using only locally-known addresses for domain la
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: using nameserver
Sat Jan 13 08:30:10 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of mob1s1a1_4 (qmimux0
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 dnsmasq[3494]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3494]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 Mobile data connected (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 Joined 5G-NSA network (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:30:12 2024 Connected to Telenor SE Telenor SE operator (internal modem)
Sat Jan 13 08:31:10 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/0) from 192.168.1.

After restarting the Rutx50 it is now up and has been running. I have the log from startup if you need it?

ok router hangs up again today Saturday

When i Try speedtest after restarting modem and connection it says :CANNOT RETRIEVE SERVER LIST

Sat Jan 13 14:34:56 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3873]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 70:a7:41:
Sat Jan 13 14:34:56 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[3873]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 70:a7:41:fc:a
Sat Jan 13 15:34:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4768): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Sat Jan 13 15:34:38 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4768): udhcpc: lease of obt
ained from, lease time 7200
Sat Jan 13 16:22:32 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7463]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 16:30:03 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7463]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Sat Jan 13 16:30:35 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for admin on HTTP from
Sat Jan 13 16:30:35 2024 daemon.err uhttpd[2108]: vuci: accepted login for admin from
Sat Jan 13 16:32:24 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/1) from 192.168.1.
Sat Jan 13 16:32:26 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7463]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out

I think I have the same issue as Orro.

We have several RUTX50 routers in remote sites. 2 of them now have become completely unresponsive (They are not visible on RMS, do not respond to SMS commands and cannot be contacted over the VPN or LAN, either on GUI or SSH). We would like to power cycle them but the UPS primary group doesn’t reboot (that’s a different Eaton issue!)

I’m 180 miles away from those 2 routers so I can’t really pop over to power cycle them manually.

I noticed this on the latest firmware changelog:

*Fixed network disconnection on mobile network detach and DHCP lease loss situations
*Fixed issue where mobile interface was unreachable after device reboot or interface restart while using Failover service
*Fixed Mobile interface bridge and passthrough mode connectivity loss

Could one of these be responsible on the 7.05.4 firmware I’m currently running?

is the latest.

My Rutx50 keeps loosing the internet connection, no response from Teltonika. As you can see i have provided all the logs and settings. Im going back to use my Netgear M5, it has never ever had issues like this. I gave it a try but no response from Teltonika, very disappointing…

Latest log from just breaking down again and again:

Tue Jan 16 17:28:44 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[4261]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 70:a7:41:
Tue Jan 16 17:28:44 2024 dnsmasq-dhcp[4261]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 70:a7:41:fc:a
Tue Jan 16 17:47:48 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7601]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Tue Jan 16 17:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Tue Jan 16 17:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Tue Jan 16 18:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Tue Jan 16 18:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Tue Jan 16 19:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Tue Jan 16 19:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Tue Jan 16 20:46:29 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7601]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Tue Jan 16 20:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: broadcasting renew
Tue Jan 16 20:58:29 2024 daemon.notice netifd: mob1s1a1_4 (4852): udhcpc: lease of ob
tained from, lease time 7200
Tue Jan 16 21:08:50 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7601]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Tue Jan 16 21:11:14 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7601]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Tue Jan 16 21:13:37 2024 daemon.err rms_mqtt[7601]: [connect_to_auth_server:197] error: ERROR connec
ting: Operation timed out
Tue Jan 16 21:35:06 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for admin on HTTP from
Tue Jan 16 21:35:06 2024 daemon.err uhttpd[2107]: vuci: accepted login for admin from
Tue Jan 16 21:35:33 2024 kern.notice Password auth succeeded for root on CLI (pts/0) from 192.168.1.

Hello Orre

After carefully reviewing the data, it seems that replicating the issue in our testing environment has proven to be challenging. In order to ensure a comprehensive resolution and to address the situation effectively, we kindly recommend reaching out to your local vendor or distributor.

By connecting with your local vendor, you will benefit from their expertise and on-site support, ensuring a quicker resolution to the reported issue. They are well-equipped to perform thorough tests on the device and provide the assistance needed.

They can give you a direct way to communicate with us and help us solve the problem. If you don’t have a reseller or a sales manager, please use this form to contact us: Teltonika Networks - LTE Routers, Gateways & Modems for IoT 2

Thank you for your cooperation!

Best regards,


What if you do this when it have stop working

/etc/init.d/network status

dose it say: running ?

and dose it work if you: /etc/init.d/network restart. ?

(klurigt fel du har)

Thanks i think I will contact you directly, the company I bought the router from is big and won’t give me any answers if they can send the router to Teltonika. I don’t want to get it back and they have “tested” it for 10 minutes.

Network status says : Running
And restarting the network does not help.

Thanks for the support so far


PS I’ve done a factory reset since but the router keeps loosing internet now and then…

Tonight the Rutx50 had the three blinking lights and was not accessible at all. After re powering the router it’s now up and running.

I would return it and get a new one… Some hardware problem for sure.

Im in contact with Teltonika now and I will send them a troubleshoot file once it brakes down again. Its been running well since I upgraded firmware yesterday, did no know there was an upgrade since 20240112 ver 07.06.3. No release notes on this upgrade, hopefully something for my issue.
Yes @fableman it will go back if its not solved soon.