Rutx50 latency on a good 5g connection?

what can I expect from latency on a good 5g connection to which I have a distance of approx. 1.5km (free range, no obstacles)
my provider will be able to offer me a download of approx. 4-600 Mbit/s but it’s more latency I’m worried about


RUTX50 has LTE CAT20 technology and it supports up to 2.0 Gbps DL.

But there is a lot of thing that affects the speed such as distance, obstacles,SA or NSA, antenna’s and even weather,etc,…
So I can not give you any speed related information,you need test it on your own.
We got recommendations regarding the speed & signal’s on our Wiki page, you can reach it from here and here


Hi Caner

ok I wil get back when I have the setup up and running, the last qustion is , as I have a 5G tower arround 1,5km from me and at the samt time I have purcased a Yagi antenna whit arround 10db Gain and here I would like to know if I can connect the coax to only 1 port on the RTUX50 ??? do I have to put 50 Ohm load on the 3 othere ports ???


If you want to fully benefit from 4x4 MIMO, then you’ll need 4 LDPA / Yagi arrays and they need to be mounted respecting the correct polarisation. Note that in certain configurations, then an optimal distance between antennas also comes into play.

Check the spec of your Yagi for the 5G frequencies you’ll expect to connect to, as this can also be a limiting factor of some LDPA / Yagi’s

Hi Mike

Ok…got it, I have to use the 4 stick you got whit the router, or put a 4x4 MIMO on the router…

Thanks for fast reply :blush:


You must connect at least two SMA ports to the RUTX50, that means two Yagi antennas (2x2 MIMO)

Here is a 2x2 MIMO example, in a year I have an excellent signal and crazy speeds on 4G on two antennas, 3 km distance from the base station. It is important to pay attention to the distance between the antennas, depending on which band you want to amplify. In my case, the distance is 34 cm to amplify band B3 for uploading.

I recently did 4x4 MIMO with 4 antennas but the base station I’m connecting to only works in 2x2 MIMO mode and I can’t use all 4 antennas. Most base stations work in 2x2 MIMO mode, which means you may not need to invest in 4 antennas at all.

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Hi tirkiz

Thanks for info, only using 2* SMA out…i wil try it out and order a second yagi…

Do you put the yagi en same position horisontal?? Vertikal???


This is how the antennas should be placed

Yes that is the way…and you space the 2 yagi whit 34cm…center to center :+1:

So now this is done and i can move forward to try to setup a OpenVPN server…maybe you also an expert on that to :wink:


That distance is based upon the frequency of the band(s) you expect to connect to. So 34cm is @tirkiz choice for the band he connects to, with his antenna configuration, but your frequency may be different and the distance will change.

The distance should be ½ the wavelength of the lowest frequency you expect to connect to.

But as I said earlier, it only really matters for ‘some configurations’ and given the photos of his configuration (some antennas in the same polarisation), he does need to respect those optimal distances.

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