RUTx50 IPv6 subnet route


is there someone who can tell me how I can add a static route for an IPv6 Subnet?
Under Network->Routing->Static Routes is´s only possible to add single addresses…

Thanks in advance


In the section you provided, it is possible to add IPv6 routes. By pressing the “Add” button, you can add additional routes.

Best regards,

Hi Marija,

thanks for your reply … but as I wrote …from ther it is only possible to add a single address/ single addresses, but no hole Subnet.

for Example if I wan´t to route 1234:5678::0/29 thrue a tunnel … it seems not be possible for me to add this route.


Apologies for any misunderstanding. I have relayed this information to our RnD team and will update you as soon as I receive any feedback from them.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,

Hello again,

I have received feedback that this problem is a known firmware issue, which has already been addressed and will be included in the upcoming firmware release. Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact release date, but it should be available in the near future.

In the meantime, you can add the subnet manually via the CLI by following these steps:

  1. In the WebUI, create the route without specifying the subnet.
  2. Log in to the router via CLI.
  3. Open the configuration file by executing the command: vi /etc/config/network.
  4. Press i to enter edit mode.
  5. Scroll to the end of the file, where you will find your routing rule. Here, you can modify the route from a single address to the desired subnet.
  6. Press Esc and type :wq to save and close the file.

Please let me know how it goes, or if you need further assistance!

Best regards,

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