RUTX50 GPS-data over internal MQTT Broker

This question has been handled before, but things have changed in the RUTX50 firmware and it seems to been have made easier, but I can’t get it to work anyway… I Hope someone can help with some guidance.

I have:

  • GPS signal with external antenna in the RUTX50
  • MQTT broker enabled in the RUTX50 with default settings & anonumus access
  • Modbus TCP server enabled on the RUTX50 with default settings
  • Modbus TCP client enabled on the RUTX50 with default settings, collecting Register number 144, 146, 180 & 184 OK.
  • MQTT Modbus Gateway enabled on the RUTX50 connecting to host on port 1883 & request/response topics “gpsrequest” & “gpsresponse”.
  • An external IP-device connected on the RUTX50 LAN containing a MQTT client. It’s connected OK to the RUTX50 MQTT Broker.

When setting up a MQTT subscription on the external IP-device I can’t get any data. Not sure what subscription filter and topic prefix to use to collect the GPS-data from the RUTX50.

Hi SeTe,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

We do have a detailed article discussing the steps on how to configure Modbus MQTT gateway in our devices. Kindly refer to this link as a guide.

Let me know if this helps.



I actually solved this in another way:
Modbus TCP Server → Modbus TCP Client → Data to Server → MQTT Broker
All of the above in one RUTX50 router. Then MQTT Client in an external device to retrieve data.

The solution in this case is to publish GPS-data as an overlay in vehicle IP-cameras.

Modbus TCP Server Conf:

Modbus TCP Client Conf:

Data to Server Conf:

MQTT Broker Conf:

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