RUTX50 Dynamic DNS with

Hello, should be supported according to the list of DDNS providers but I can’t understand how it should work. is using a user, password and a record id when updating a DDNS record and I can’t see any fields for that. is also supporting a POST like ‍xxxx:// which should be possible to use in a custom DDNS configuration and the Custom update-URL but where do I get the public IP from? I haven’t find any information about using macros for the public IP?


To get a public IP, you should ask for it from your internet provider (ISP), as if you have a private IP, then there is no possibility to set-up DDNS.
You can read more about it here: Private and Public IP Addresses - Teltonika Networks Wiki


Ok, I don’t jave access the to the RUTX50 at the moment so I can’t see if I get a public or private IP on the WAN inteface. So if you have the “shared IP address” scenario you can’t use DDNS at all?

Even if I get a public IP on the WAN interface I can’t understand how the dnsmadewasy setup should look? In the DDNS configuration you can enter the user and password but dnsmadeeasy requires a record id to be included when update the DNS record and there is no field for that in the DDNS configuration form.

You can update the DNS record at dnsmadeeasy using a a URL. In the URL, I can hard code the user, password and record id but I need to include the public IP in the UR, how do I get that from the router? What I have been looking for if it exists some global macros which can be used in the URL which holds the current public IP assign to the WAN interface.

Does it exists any macros which can be used in the URL which gets the IP on the WAN interface?


Does it exists any macros which can be used in the URL which gets the IP on the WAN interface?

If the interface will be with a private IP address, then it is not worth to pasting it into the URL, as it will be routed through a NAT which has a public IP address, and hence it could be that on the same public IP address there can be numerous of other devices which uses it and communicates to the internet through some port of the NAT. More information about it: Network Address Translation - Teltonika Networks Wiki

As I have no idea how to work with, maybe you should contact them and they could guide you through?


If I get a public IP from the ISP, I still can’t get it to work if I can’t include the record id the request to dnsmadeeasy which the DDNS configuration in the RUTX50 doesn’t seem to support.

I know how dnsmadewasy is working, I use a vbscript to get the public IP and update the DNS record today which works fine. When the RUTX50 should support dnsmadeeasy according to the list of supported providers, I want to move away from the vbscript

What wanted to try with is to use a custom DDNS configuration ‍in the RUTX50 and a URL to post the DNS update to, somthing like“myusername”&password=“mypasswordf”&id="therecordid?ip={{IPAddressOnWANInterface}} where the {{IPAddressOnWANInterface}} is a macro to have the RUTX50 to resolve the public IP on the WAN interface and replace it with that.

But I haven’t found any information that any macro which will resolve the puplic IP exist.

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