In my mobiles with same provider internet so fast and so good.
Same simcard in teltonika router show internet travels and not usefull.
YouTube in tv don’t work. Lagging all the time.
I tired try all configuration and firmware upgrade. Nothing to do for solve the problem…
I post my configuration screenshots rutx50 with 2 repeaters conect to lan and wifi interface.
Default configuration for work like professional router is missing. Default configuration also don’t work good anything.
where my mistake ? This is a router issue.
youtube tv don’t work fine.
Don’t charge videos and webside good all the time.
In my case when start work YouTube tv in morning after 4pm start lagging again every day like this.
The router need serius calibration 4g+ signal.
Any configuration solve the issue.
Please take my coment seriously and try for solve the problem.
I try turn off ipv6 delegated prefix in wan and lan. like this work 1 moment .
In Nat rules I open all devices from lan and work 1 moment.
Many configuration and options make problems and is not working.
If only me I have this problem what is wrong or missing in my configuration?
I have 2 Samsung smart tv with lagg interruption YouTube every 5 seconds. .
I don’t think I only me the customer with this problems .
Already 3 years with this problem with firmware upgrade any time withouth any sucsess streaming YouTube in smart tv.
Is Already too late for arrange this problem?
I hope teltonika will work hard for solve this serious problems in this top router and after this be honest to customers.
Now teltonika is not honest to customers and don’t solve the router problems they don’t want see and admit the router problematic.
If I can I ask refund now.
the router problems continue with firmware upgrades and any important problem was solve . .
Much firmware upgrade much talking about antena problems. Teltonika please be honest and see the problem for try to be solved. After this .
I try add eth0.eth1 in lan not sure better streaming steel problems. Is the router just solve the problems with YouTube tv
Repeaters to link eap653 ax3000 conected Ethernet
This repeater plug in lan 1…
Not sure work good in diferent lan Port I was assign in interface.
Antena is perfect signal
Any suggestions for solve the YouTube problems?