RUTX50 Client Multi AP

Dear Teltonika Team …
I’m using RUTX50 in my motorhome, and i works well.
I have configured a MultiAP list with known AP:s
as ‘home’, ‘friends’, ‘favorite places’ …

My router connects to any of these in the list when available, when not, it connects to Mobile net via simcard.

What could be better in the routers comming firmware …

  1. You can only have 1 (Client Multi AP) list,
    and in this list, only 2.4g or 5G radio is allowed.
    (Mix is not possible)

Or A’m I missing something?

  1. I have created a shell script that checks if
    you are using wifi or mobile net, and blinks output pin
    (to an external led) depending on choice.
    (why? I want to know when I consume mobile Data)

Desired addon, a checkbox that reflect router:s wan led
to outut pin. (Maybe high when sim1 or 2 in use)

Regards Lasse F


I’ll answer each question separately:

  1. Yes, only one radio interface is allowed for multiple SSIDs. The 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands are different and have unique communication intricacies.
  2. Could you clarify what you mean by “reflect router’s WAN LED to output pin”? If I understand correctly, the main idea is to monitor when mobile data is being used. You can achieve this by using the Event Reporting service (Services → Event Reporting) and configuring the settings as follows:

Additionally, you need to configure failover and set the Multi AP WAN source as the first priority and Mobile WAN as the secondary.

This way, you will receive an SMS (or email, if you prefer) when your device disconnects from the wireless network and connects to the mobile WAN source.

Best regards,

Thank you for quick respons.

About question 1, ok it is tecnacally difficult to mix 2.4 & 5 GHz i one MultiAP list.
But how about allow 2 MultiAP lists one for each band?
I think that I can have 1 Client Multi AP list, and 1 'pure single Client
Why am I so keen on the matter? Because when I visit campsites and whant to use ther wifi,
It’s often impossible to use 2.4, all channels are occupied in the area, And some offers only 5 GHz.
(one of the reasons I replaced my RUT240)

(I guess, the RUTX50 is primary for Industrial use, but I know That many motorhomes use RUT)
And i works real well in failower, from wifi to Mobile and back.

Question 2, You understod me right, that the purpos was to know when Mobile data is in use.
Your solution with Event Reporting, would work but only with mail and SMS.(to many ‘pling’ in my phone)
If the Event reporting, would have selectable Actions like, set output pin High or low or short pulse,
It would solve my problem.

So back to … “reflect router’s WAN LED to output pin” means I would like
to have my own 'indicator" lamp or led that show the same as the wifi sim1 and sim2 led on the router.
But this may not give me the correct info, because the led:s show wich wan is active, and that do not
have to mean ‘currently in use’. So let’s skip this part.

I have my own script that use “ip route get”, and the respons include,
currently interface in use. … and then I set output pin in diffrent ways.
(If you know any commands/ files in cli thet give me info about wich interface is “online”,
like the web page, Network, failover do, please let me know)

Thank you for your time,

Regards Lasse

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