RUTX50 Can't login to web iface


I’m unable to login to my RUTX50 via the web interface. This issue appeared following an update. I still have SSH access to the router and can change the admin password. Attempting to login to the web iface with the updated creds results in a notable pause, accompanied with the buffering animation, but results in an incorrect username/password prompt. I’m sure that the creds are correct and accepted as the buffering takes noticeably longer than when I enter invalid credentials, and when I then proceed to exit the page and try to reconnect I am redirected to http://IP_ADDRESS/status/overview, which is blank. What is going wrong and how do I fix it? Seems the web server is bugged.


Try to reset the cache of your web browser.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve reset the cache and it’s still acting the same as before. I’ve tried to login to my router from multiple devices with multiple browsers and the result is the same.

Can you force your browser to use https in place of http?

I’ve just given that a go but the result is the same. It looks as though the web address I previously quoted is what I had bookmarked so it is not redirecting there, it thinks it has authenticated. Attempting to access the /login page following a “successful” login also results in a blank page. It’s as though the authentication has succeeded but further requests are rejected by the web server. Is there anywhere I can download an archive of the web files from so that I can copy directly into /www/?


I am not Teltonika employee… Maybe there is another solution…

The last think to do is a factory reset of your router… But you must have a backup of all your configurations, before do this.

Thanks, have backed up and will give the reset a try!

Backup and full reset seemed to do the trick

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