RUTX50 can i install pi-hole on it?

I’m struggling to find a way?


You can’t do that (maybe you can, but with a lot of effort …). Instead install and use AdguardHome:

opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf update
opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf install adguardhome


i’ll try that now

i have installed it, there were messages about folders missing. reinstalled ok.

couldn’t link to std port 53, so used 530, but rutx won’t let me specify port…

uninstalled, try again later! thx

I use port 53 for adguardhome, but I have moved dnsmasq on port 5353.
The upstream servers are set to in order to resolve the local domain, and and for the rest.
The private reverse DNS resolver is set to

thank you, i will investigate.
please excuse one finger typing, right arm in sling…

do i need to manually edit the dnsmasq.conf file to do that? i.e not in the ui?

Yes, you have to manually edit /etc/config/dhcp, add “option port ‘5353’” in the “config dnsmasq” section and restart the process afterwards: service dhcp restart.

i will give that ago
thank you

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