RUTX50 Bad Speed with Starlink

Hello everyone

Maybe you can help me.
I have connected a Starlink directly to the Wanport.
According to various tools for measuring the speed, I can’t get above 70/25 (down/up)

Do you have any idea why this could be?

Could it be the speed setting of the network card ?

I would be glad about help.

Best regards


Have you tried connecting your Starlink to other devices like a laptop or another router to confirm if the connection issues are specific to the RUTX50? If not, could you please plug the Starlink directly into your laptop or computer and test if higher speeds are available at your location?

Best regards,

Yes, I have a higher throughput with the standard router that is included.
I would like to test another router, but please give me some time to do so.

I have now tested this again as soon as I connect another device. I get a much higher speed with the router in brackets.
As I said, I have the feeling that something is wrong with the port settings. I just can’t verify it right now.


Regarding port settings, you can check them in Network → Ports → Ports Settings. There you can check each port’s setting individually if the correct settings are set.

Best regards,

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