Yes, but that’s an outdated answer.
I have been using RUTX50 for almost two years on two antennas and in the newer modem FW only works on the first two SMA connectors. On that link, I wrote that two cables work on any 4 SMA ports, which is wrong, for example, if you connect two cables to ANT2 and ANT3, there will be no signal, two antennas/cables must be connected to ANT0 and ANT1. That’s why I wrote a correction here because I can’t edit a closed topic and people will get the wrong answer.
In more recent topics (e.g. RUTX50 MiMo 2x2 Antenna - #4 by tirkiz) I also wrote about the problem when two antennas are connected, and this has since been fixed with a newer modem FW.