Rutx50 antenna port?

Is there any information to what port to use if you wanted to connect external antennas ??? I have 2 yagi I would like to connect…I found this picture here in groupe…but is this ok ???


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Hi caner

Sorry but there is no information about whitch antenna port you have to use if you put external antenna on, I have 2 antenna and would like to know what port I should use ???

RUTX50 device has 4 Mobile antenna , 2 Wi-Fi antenna and 1 GPS antenna. I tagged the mobile antenna connectors on the below picture.

You should connect external mobile antennas correspondingly. Mobile antennas to mobile antenna connectors,etc,…

Kind Regards,

But here in the forum… People say you have to connect on port 1+3,2+4 and more combined solution…so could you tell me if I have 2 cable from my antenna, to what port I connect???


Unlike other Teltonika routers, the RUTX50 uses all four antenna connectors as Main, hence there is no distinction between MAIN and AUX connectors. For the greatest performance and fastest speeds, each antenna is equally crucial.

Please attach your antennas to ANT0 and ANT3 connectors, if you have only two connectors. These are primary transmission/reception channels for all LTE/5G frequency bands.

You can get all the information from the old community forum post from here.

Kind Regards,

Ok I connect the antenna to port 0+3 and it looks as it is working ok :wink:

Thanks for help.


I’m glad the issue is resolved!
What a wonderful speed :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

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