Hello, I currently have a mesh network set up using a RUTX50 as the mesh gateway and two RUTX10 devices as mesh nodes. When I measure data transfer using iPerf, I notice that the bandwidth between the RUTX50 and the RUTX10 is very low, reaching only around 100 Mbits/sec. It seems that something is limiting the bandwidth, as when I connect two devices to the RUTX10 router via Ethernet, the throughput is approximately 1000 Mbits/sec. The mesh is connected via the 5GHz band, and I am using channel 36.
“Is it possible that the bandwidth is being limited due to configuration? How can I fix it?”
I would greatly appreciate any assistance, and thank you in advance
Your RUTX10 is 802.11ac WiFi 5 and has a theoretical maximum data rate of 867 Mbps BUT then you have have obstacles in the way, such as walls and floors plus you’re operating in mesh mode. Then there are probably other wifi signals from your neighbours interfering. There is no way you’d achieve the same speeds as an Ethernet connection.
You are probably going to have to experiment with different channels and changing the location of the devices.
Is the firmware on both devices the latest version?
Does a device reboot make any difference?