RUTX50 and RUT241 not resetting data limit

Both my routers do not correctly display the data volume after reset day. The date updates with the next reset date, but the data usage did not return to zero on the reset day - see below

The date changed correctly on 2024-08-16 00:00:00 to 2024-09-16 00:00:00 but the data usage did not reset to zero, it just carries on increasing. Both routers on 7.08.2

Here are the settings:

Hi Alix6815,

Let me test it as well on my device and get back to you.



I have tried to configure Mobile data limit. Data usage and Clear due data restarted.

Before Data Limit Restart

After Data Limit Restart

Did router experienced any power interruption? After reboot, did data used values change?


Thanks for looking into this for me. The value does not reset after reboot on either the RUTX50 or the RUT241.

Both routers have been rebooted a few times but not power interruption.



Is there any other way for me to replicate your issue? I tried to increase the mobile data limit but it still resets as expected after due data.




Sorry, I don’t know what to suggest other than neither of my routers seem to do that. How did you change the time of the reset to 15:00:00? There is no option in my GUI to change the time (it is default to 00:00:00), only an option to change the reset day?

Any other thoughts how I can get this working please?


Thank you for your patience.

For further testing, can you change Reset Period to Day with Reset time as 00:00. This is to check that data is being reset for other Reset Period options. Then, access CLI and run logread command and paste here any logs that shows data is resetted.


ok will do - reset changed to 00:00:00 on day 28

I now see how you can change the time: if period is set to ‘day’ you can edit the time. If period is set to ‘month’ you cannot.

Sorry for the delayed response. The RUT241 does reset each night at 00:00 as expected. The RUTX50 does not (over 3 days the data amount used is just adding up).


Our development team is currently aware of this. Kindly look out for the fix on the next firmware releases.


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