RUTX14 In-/Output

How are the output and input designed?
Is the output high = supply voltage?
Does the input have to be high = supply voltage?
How much (mA) can the output be loaded?
Can the output be switched remotely?


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Hello and welcome to Teltonika Community!

Thank you for reaching out!

How are the output and input designed?

  • The GPIO pins of the RUTX14 can be used as either inputs or outputs. These are digital I/O pins that can be configured to serve different functions based on the user’s requirements. The outputs can control external devices, while the inputs can read signals from external sources.
  • These pins are digital, meaning they can handle only two states: high or low. You can configure them based on the specific function you need.
  • For more information about Input/Output please visit RUTX14 Input/Output - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Is the output high = supply voltage?

  • If the output is in the high state, it will reach the supply voltage only if there is an external pull-up resistor connected to that supply voltage.

Does the input have to be high = supply voltage?

  • The input must be within the specified voltage range for a logical high (8 V to 30 V) and a logical low (0 V to 5 V).

How much (mA) can the output be loaded?

  • The output can handle up to 300 mA

Can the output be switched remotely?

  • You can remotely switch the GPIO outputs on the RUTX14 using the WebUI. To do this:
  1. Go to the WebUI of the device.
  2. Navigate to Services > Input/Output > Status.
  3. From there, you can change the state of the output.
  1. Go to RMS | Remote management system
  2. Navigate to Management > Task Manager
  3. Create a new task by clicking + ADD
  4. You can write a custom script that controls the Input/Output. There are a few methods available, for example:

Switch output to High:

  • Curl method:

curl -X GET ""

  • Api Call method:

/sbin/api POST /io/dout2/actions/change_state "{'data':{'value':'1'}}"

Switch output to Low after delay:

  • Curl method:

curl -X GET ""

  • Api call method:

/sbin/api POST /io/dout2/actions/change_state "{'data':{'value':'0'}}"

To use the CURL method, you must first create a dedicated I/O POST/GET account. To do this navigate to Services > Input/Output > Post/Get on WebUI and fill in the required information, lastly enable the account.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards,