RUTX12 was connected to RMS then about a week ago fell offline. The device had outbound connectivity and was within it’s initial 30 days connection plan.
Rebooted several times.
We have deleted and re-added the device in RMS.
Factory reset and reprogrammed the device.
Applied a new 3 year service pack (even though the original device had until 22.11.24 under plan).
RMS states device is “Not Activated”.
RMS config page on device allows us to click Connect and we see message for “New connection initiation attempt was successful” but the Connect button returns and at the lower section we have Management status Enabled but Connection State Failure (SSL failure).
When we click apply we get notification icon to say we need to register device first with RMS - but it is already registered.
Ok to add to this request we realised that the authentication code was never received when we tried to re-register. It just sat at Logging In for 5 minutes.
So we followed another thread and changed the Table Settings in Devices to show the Authentication Code but for this device (as well as the one that is showing online) the fields are blank.
How can we obtain this authentication code for the device ?
If we Unregister the device what happens to the 3year management service pack that has been applied to it ?
Thank you for the link but we have the exact same issue. The warning triangle isn’t shown on the Devices page and we have already factory reset this unit.
We can try to reset it again but will that cause an issue with it showing in RMS already ?
We could delete (Unassign Device) in RMS to remove it from the list and then try and re-add but what would happen to the assigned 3 years management service that has already been applie the RMS list ?.
Obviously we don’t want to lose this addition so can it be easily reapplied to a newly added device ?
Have you tried restarting RMS using the following command in CLI? /etc/init.d/rms_mqtt restart
If I understood correctly, your RUTX12 is not activated in RMS. Could you please click on the Device Details (i) icon in RMS next to your RUTX12 and check if there are any logs indicating that the device tried to connect to the RMS server?
Additionally, could you specify what message is currently displayed in Services → Cloud Solutions → RMS in the WebUI next to the Connection state?