RutX12 does not auto-reconnect to WIFI hotspot

I want to use my android phone as a modem and share internet to my local network over the X12 router. Never once has it been able to connect to the phone by itself. It says it is scanning, but I have to delete the SSID configuration and add it fresh for the connection to work.


So I tried to join manualy whitout deleting it first.

Got error message, set mode to multi-ap, but made no difference.


Using? WPA? WAP2? WPA3?

OK, you could probably set this up using ‘captive portal’ athough strictly speaking, it isn’t one. This example uses Multi AP Mode

For better performance, configure the AP on a separate radio from the one you’re planning to use as the ‘uplink’ e.g. 2.4 GHz vs 5.0 GHz. The ‘uplink’, is the connection from the RUTX to the Hotspot.

You might need to turn off the ‘randomised MAC’ on your phone.

In the example below, End User Devices connect to the RUTX over a 2.4Ghz wifi connection and the RUTX connects to your RAZR hotspot over 5.0GHz connection.

Ensure there are no other 5.0Ghx SSID’s enabled on the RUTX, other that the MultiAP one used to connect to the RAZR.

You will probably wand to alter the NETWORK > WIRELESS > SSIDs > RAZR 50 ULTRA_8787 > WIRELESS SECURITY : Encryption setting in the example below.

There are other ways of doing this but because I often use my RUTX as a travel router, then I have used Multi AP and Captive Portals redirected. In your case, you could change ‘Multi AP’ to ‘Client’ and turn off ‘redirecting Captive Portals’

If you’re still struggling then below are instructions for setting up in Client mode.

Phone is set to WPA2/WPA3 personal
Should I try using something else?

I have a Motorola Razr50 ultra. I I see that for WIFI networks I can choose random MAC, or use “devices MAC-adress”.
I will have to disable the RUTX 5ghz wifi for this? So the other devices on the network will only be able to connect over 2.4Ghz?

Its under network → wireless → SSID and then I add manualy Multi AP connection? I then include only the 5ghz band?

I am not so tech-savvy so I need to be spoonfed everything :wink:

The router is always in use on my boat. But for most of the time the antenna(puck5) connected is so crap that I have to use my phone to get an 4G connection :slight_smile:

The struggle is real. The multi-AP started after a while. But there is virtualy no speed to it. Somehow the bandwidth gets lost along the way. I have disabled RUTX 5Ghz wifi, and the internal modems.

In the simple client mode, trying to follow your recipe. There is no “join network” button! Which is very weird cause I have used before with success. How can it have disapeared like that?

I’m no Android expert but on my cheap Samsung phone, when using as the hotspot, this setting makes no difference - in fact it isn’t even an option in hotspot mode. So you can forget about this.

EDIT: I have found that you can turn off randomized MAC for my cheap Samsung, under Configure Mobile Hotspot / Advanced options. Do this for your RAZR.

Correct … you must choose one frequency that the RUTX will use to ‘talk’ to the hostpot e.g. 5GHz which then leaves the 2.4GHz spectrum for an SSID on your RUTX for other devices to connect.

DO NOT turn off the 5GHz radio, you just need to ensure that any SSIDs that use 5GHz (except the one that links to your phone - via Client or Multi AP) are disabled.


Are you using a smaller screen e.g. laptop running at relatively low resolution, as this appears to be a screen formatting problem. Try changing your screen to a higher resolution, and see if the 7 visible columns actually become visible.

If this is all new to you and as I see that you have already had a go at implementing Multi AP, I suggest you do a factory reset before starting to play with a different method e.g. Client.

Before initiating setup, turn off the randomized MAC for the RAZR hotspot. On my cheap Samsung, I found this option under Configure Mobile Hotspot / Advanced options.

When Client Mode has been setup, then it will look something like …

Then all you need to add is a 2.4GHz SSID for the user devices to connect to. There’s probably one there by default, after a factory reset.

the values in yellow might be different in your setup.

OK, I seriously cant figure out how to quote anything or anyone on this forum? I mean, how hidden can the button be :wink:

Ramdomized mac for hotspot: Not possible on Motorola. The option is not there. Only advanced setting is compability for 2.4Ghz.

I have not seen any setting for turning off 5Ghz radio, just the 5Ghz SSID broadcasting. Which I have dine, so all devices now talk over 2.4 Ghz.

Screen: I am using the same macbook M1 with retina screen as I “always” have. Resolution has not changed!

Multi AP is working great now! Connects by itself whenver I start internet sharing on my phone! Love it :slight_smile: Funny thing is; If the phone somehow connects to the router over 2.4Ghz internet goes down. They can not be connected over “ordinary WIFI”.

You mark the text and click the Quote button :upside_down_face:

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