Hello there,
I have a problem with a IPsec Tunnel which does not start.
After updating a RUTX11 in a mobile (4G) application from FW 07.06.3 to 07.11.3 there is the problem, that the IPSec Tunnel does not start any more. It can be started only if the IPsec-Configuration is disabled and enabled via WebUI or restarted via CLI.
With FW 07.06.3 there was no problem. IPsec Tunnel was always on. To keep IPsec Connection always alive, DPD was enabled with DPDDelay of 30.
The IPsec Tunnel terminates at a Bintec be_ip plus router at the other side.
To start the IPsec Tunnel (with FW 07.11.3) - at least at Startup an Reset - I copied a User Script which was provided in this forum to start IPSec after a Mobile Connection is established:
sleep 60
if ifstatus mob1s1a1 | grep -q ‘“up”: true’; then
/etc/init.d/swanctl restart
This works properly at startup but after an interruption of Mobile Connection e.g. the IPsec
does not start again. Dead Peer Detection seems not work in this case.
Can anybody help to get a stabil always on IPsec Connection, which starts after Poweron an restarts automatically after things like interruption of WAN Connection?
Thank You.