RUTX11 - Bluetooth LE 4.0 Support

Hello everyone,

my company is currently looking for a device that connects our Bluetooth LE 4.0 sensors to the internet via MQTT protocol.

Our draft currently looks like this:

According to the website, the RUTX11 supports BLE 4.0. But I understand we have to extend the firmware to implement custom Bluetooth features.

Could somebody let me know if such a setup is possible or was already done? We dont know to what extend the RutOS can be accessed and changed.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Hi Marcel82,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

I believe your requirement is similar to this query: Collecting bluetooth sensor data - Crowd Support Forum | Teltonika Networks

Bluetooth sensors can definitely be connected to RUTX11 then bluetooth data will be sent via MQTT using Data to Server.

For more information, kindly refer to this link: RUTX11 Data to Server - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Janmiguel,

the use-case is not the same. The linked query talks about configurating a Teltonika RUTX11 to use Teltonika Blue Puck Bluetooth Sensors.

It was explained in other querries that several Teltonika devices are supported via Bluetooth.

But as far as I understand, non-Telfonica devices are not supported on the web interface.

For our project, we need to connect to a specific set of non-Telfonica devices via Bluetooth and forward the data via MQTT.

It is not important what kind of device and data. As an example we could also use a regular Bluetooth mouse. We would like to connect to the mouse via Bluetooth LE. Read the mouse related data and forward them via MQTT.

Hope that clarifies our idea.

Thanks and best regards


I got your point now. Most likely, you will be able to use it for anything as long as the sensors supports BLE4.0 technology.

Let me know the results. Thank you.


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