I’m trying to configure a WAN port on RUTX10 to be part of a VLAN, I’ve done this with RUT2xx and RUT9xx devices with no issues, but on this RUTX10 (latest firmware) I can’t get connected through the WAN port, but the LAN ports works just fine.
I’ve seen some tutorials to combine the WAN with the LAN, but that connects the interfaces, I just want VLAN 500 to be untagged on the WAN port, just like the other ports that work fine…
What am I doing wrong? or is there a bug in de RUTX series?
We have step by step instructions on our Wiki page about that. You can access that page from here. Please go through it and let me know if you have any further questions!
That works if I keep the WAN port on vlan 2, but now I’m connecting interface eth1 with eth0.500 I would prefer to just use eth0.500 on the WAN interface.
Is vlan 2 (or eth1) hardcoded on the WAN port or something?
I’m Sorry if I’m not very clear, English is not my native language.
This is what I was trying to do, but it seems that no matter what VLAN ID I put on the WAN port it will only work with VLAN 2.
I mean the physical “WAN” port, not the WAN-interface, it’s called _wan5 in the “network” config file, I even tried to call it _lan5 but then the GUI for the speed selection breaks
Also tried to make it’s role ‘lan’, doesn’t work.
I think it’s a bug, I’ve configured other RUTs like this and I didn’t get this issue. I’ve configured a RUT956 and a RUT240 before.
Now I’m using a RUTX10 with firmware RUTX_R_00.07.08.3
VLANID1 and VLANID2 is reserved, to not to let incorrect configuration make devices inaccessible.It’s not bug its for security.
However you can create another VLANID’s, name as you wish, and you can connect the port the your desired VLANID’s, you just can not delete the VLANID1 and VLANID2.
If you made any changes, I recommend to factory resetting your device before proceeding further!