RUTX09 - SMS notification about power outage

Hello, I have a RUTX09 router. I would like to provide an SMS notification about a power outage and power return. Is it possible to set this in this router? Thank you for any suggestion.


Yes, it’s possible, but the router can only send messages when it boots up, not when it shuts down, as it lacks a ‘dying breath’ feature.

To set this up, you’ll need to go to Services → Event Reporting, add a rule, and customize it to achieve your desired outcome.

Best regards,

Thank you for your answer.
RUTX09 has an input/output option. By default, there are no pins 3 and 4 in the plug. I would like to know if after connecting pins 3 and 4, I will be able to set notifications of power failure and return?


As I mentioned earlier, there isn’t a feature to send notifications when a device experiences a power failure or shuts down. Only when it powers up can detection occur and notifications be sent.

While the RUTX09 does have I/O functionality, simply connecting pins 3 and 4 won’t achieve the desired result.

For more details about I/O on the RUTX09, you can visit: RUTX09 Input/Output Documentation

Best regards,

Thank you for your answer. But I don’t think we understood each other. It’s obvious that the router will not send information about a power outage because it will be without power itself :slight_smile:
I have a UPS power supply and control.
After converting the plug to 4 pins and configuring the I/O, I receive an SMS notification about power loss and return.
What I noticed were errors in the I/O software. does not save settings as it should. You need to refresh the page. I have the latest available software.

Thank you.