Hi, I have a problem similar to others of which I have seen several posts but never the solutions as they are then sent privately to each one I think because of the privacy on the data you request.
My problem (which occurs on different Teltonika RUTX09, RUTX50 models and also on the old RUT955)
But let’s take the RUTX09:
I configured the WAN and the mobile network all as failover in the order I have listed.
Every time the WAN fails I see that it changes to mobile network but then when the WAN returns even if I see the change to WAN the data traffic continues on the mobile network.
I noticed this by monitoring the data traffic on the mobile network vs WAN in real time
To return to normal I have to do a reboot.
Can you tell me, also based on the experiences and solutions of others, how to solve the problem?
I would like to point out that on the RUTX09 I had already updated to the firmware version RUT9_R_00.07.06.16
Thank you for reaching out.
Could you try enabling the Flush Connections option (if not tested yet) for both the WAN and mob1s1a1 interfaces in the failover configuration as described in this thread: RUT955 fallback failure
Please let me know if this works for you, or feel free to reach out if further assistance is needed.
Best regards,
Thanks for the prompt reply, yes I had already tried to flush the connections but nothing changed.
However, I discovered that if I deactivate the VPN (openVPN) the failover service works correctly while if I reactivate it failover does not work.
I need to be connected in OpenVPN but always have the backup of the connections, can you please help me understand what I can do? thanks
Thank you for the update. To investigate this issue in more depth, we’ll need to contact you privately. I’ve sent you a form to fill out—please use 11709 as the ticket ID. Once you’ve submitted the form, we’ll reach out to you directly to troubleshoot the issue further.