RUTX09 LED behavior while operator selection is manual (bug)

I would like to report possible bug relating to LED control.
When network selection is in auto mode, 2G/3G/4G and signal level LEDs work as should.
When network selection is manual and I choose blocklist mode, LEDs no longer work.

When using blocklist mode, 3G and 4G LEDs blink simultaneously and there are no lights on signal level indicator, even modem has good connection to 4G and working normally.
Operator in blocklist is on different country than modem itself. It doesn’t matter if I have single operator or multiple in blocklist.
Change in behaviour requires reboot. So, for example when I change auto mode to blocklist mode, LEDs work until I reboot.
Same way around. If I change from blocklist mode to auto mode, it needs reboot to LEDs start to work again.

I have tested this with couple RUTX09 modems and with latest firmware and a bit older one too.
Did factory reset also and that didn’t change the behaviour.
I’m able to reproduce issue quite easily by changing modes.

If Teltonika support needs more feedback, could someone else test this also?


Could you please provide a step-by-step guide on how to replicate this issue? Thank you.

Best regards,

Ok. I took another RUTX09 and different local operator also. Same can be observed with these.
Batch number 023.
Here are steps that I did:

  1. Update to newest firmware and modem version
  2. Factory reset
  3. Set own password. No other changes, just next next on startup wizard.
  4. Checked that lights and connection work normally. Reboot just in case.
  5. After restart, checked lights are working still normally.
  6. Went to Network → Mobile → Network Selection. Under active SIM1 changed operator selection mode to manual and operator list mode to blocklist.
  7. Added blocklist named SIM1_Blocklist and added operator code 26201 - Telekom to it, as an example. Modem is in Finland so this doesn’t block anything now.
  8. After hitting Save&Apply, modem reconnected correctly to local operator (Elisa in Finland). Lights working still normally.
  9. Reboot. After that checked that modem has connection but 3G and 4G lights are blinking same time. Signal level lights off completely.

To restore light function:

  1. Change operator selection mode to auto. Save&Apply. No changes yet on light control. Modem is connected to network fine.
  2. Reboot. After that, lights work again.


Thank you for providing the detailed steps to replicate the issue. I was able to reproduce it. The developers have been informed, and I will update you as soon as I receive any feedback from them.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

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