TRB140 gateway
Linux OS: Ubuntu 24.04
Firmware: rutos-mdm9x07-trb1-sdk
After serial Centos Steam 8 installation failure, tried install it from scratch on Ubuntu 24.04.
Follow instruction: RUTOS Software Development Kit (SDK) Instruction - Teltonika Networks Wiki
And TRB1 Software Development Kit instructions - Teltonika Networks Wiki
But unfortunately.
installation failed at [./scripts/feeds update -a]. error messages shows,
Build dependency: Please install the Python3 distutils module
Build dependency: Please install NodeJS >= 20.0
Did some research found:
- “Python3 distutils” is not available by, [
has been deprecated in Python 3.12.] and Python 3 is installed on Ubuntu 24.04 as version is just 3.12. - NodeJS >= 20. is very funny as well, if install it by APT, long term supported version will be installed such as v18.20.4. if install by nvm (node version manager), we can pick any other version that version newer than v20, I picked v20.17.0, and run [node -v] shows 20.17.0
Seems I have to roll back Ubuntu 16 or some thing else?
Please advise!