RUT956 Modbus TCP client alarm configuration phone numbers

Hi all, Is it true that it is not possible to add phone groups to an alarm in the Modbus tcp client. It seems that i can only add single phone numbers for each alarm.

Reason for this question is because we work with multiple shifts we need to switch numbers a lot so it would be much easier to add phone groups instead of adding and removing every single number each shift.


You can add multiple numbers by simply pressing the blue plus sign to create space for an additional number. You can add up to 16 numbers this way.

As for using phone groups for this, I’ll reach out to RND.

Best regards,

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Hello @Marijus ,

Thankyou for the quick response. I indeed found where it was possible to add the single phone numbers. For the groups i could not. Would it be possible for you to let me know when R&D has a response on the matter?

Best regards,


I’m glad you found it. I’ve informed R&D, and I’ll let you know as soon as I have any concrete information.

Best regards,

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