RUT956 - Bacnet to Modbus Conversion


My company is currently working with several RUT956 devices to bridge communication with a local building automation system(BAS) to a cloud connection for our energy management solution(NODA). In this process, we need to convert from bacnet at the local BAS to Modbus for our NODA controller.

Currently, we are achieving this by having an additional device, SMC Fieldserver, to convert from bacnet to modbus. Now that the RUT956 has a bacnet package, I would love to eliminate the secondary devices and just connect directly to the RUT.

Is there a way WITHIN the RUT956 to either directly convert from bacnet to Modbus? Or is there a way to internally link bacnet to the MQTT server? As we can read directly from that as an option.

Any suggestions or solutions are welcome! So the current setup is:

BAS (bacnet) → SMC Fieldserver (bacnet to modbus) → RUT956 (modbus) → NODA (modbus)

But I am hoping to achieve;

BAS (bacnet) → RUT956 (bacnet to modbus conversion) → NODA (modbus).

Thank you!


Hi EcoCrystal,

Welcome Teltonika Networks Community!

Currently, we do not support BacNet to Modbus Conversion. What we can do is to send BacNet data over IP. Kindly refer here for more information.


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