RUT955 - Sometimes GPGGA coordinates are missing inside HTTP GPS messages


I am currently working with Teltonika router RUT955 with FW version RUT9M_R_00.07.04.5.

GPS configuration:

  • GPS enabled
  • Galileo NMEA support on
  • Glonass NMEA support on
  • BeiDou NMEA support on

HTTPS/HTTP GPS server settings:

I am interesting in collecting GPGGA coordinates periodically (every 10 seconds).
For most of the time the router is able of sending to my remote receiver the correct coordinates without any problem every 10 seconds. When there is good GPS signal the correct GPGGA coordinates are included in the message, while when there is NO GPS signal GPGGA empty coordinates are included in the message.

The problem is: sometime the router stops sending the GPS messages every 10 seconds, but it takes 30 seconds / 1 minute / 2 minutes to send me a GPS message and, in addition, no GPGGA values are present at all in those messages.
This situation, sometimes, persists for 3 / 4 / 5 / 10 minutes, instead, other times persists for 2 / 3 / 4 / 10 hours.

Does anyone know which are possible causes of this strange behaviour?

This is an example of message that doesn’t contain the GPGGA coordinates:


This issue likely arises due to DPO feature being enabled by default on earlier firmware versions. Please try updating the device to the latest available firmware, and in GPS menu make sure the DPO feature is disabled.
The DPO feature is intended to reduce energy use, but it was added as a toggle to prevent issues like this.
Let me know if that helps!

Best regards,

Thanks for your reply.

I followed your suggestion: I updated the firmware to version 7.06.3 and I switched off the DPO setting.
Unfortunately, after two days, the problem seems reduced but not completely solved.

Do you have any other suggestion that I can try?

Thanks for your time.

Best regards,


Is the host in the LAN of RUT955?
Are there any issues with the mobile connection when the issue occurs?
Could you try disabling Galileo, Glonass and BeiDou since only GPS constellation is of interest?
It’s hard to say what could be causing the issue, but it may be that the router does not send any information when it’s not able to pick up coordinates from other constellations, and send an empty GPGGA string when only GPS is unreachable.

Best regards,

Thanks for the quick reply!

The host is directly connected to the Teltonika.

The router is working in an environment where sometimes the mobile connection can be either low or completely absent, however the issue seems to appear independtly from that.

I understand that this issue is really complex and difficult to handle, indeed I am grateful for your help and your time.

I will try to disable the other constellations and I will let you know if this solution worked.

Best regards,



After the changes done some days ago, it seems that instead of receiving GPS messages full of info but not containing GPGGA coordinates, now, I started receiving empty GPS messages.
So, I think the problem is not solved yet.

Now, I am seriously wondering if, as you told me before, the fact that GPGGA coordinates are not included at all in messages is a direct consequence of unreachable GPS…
Do you know if there is a manual or some documentation from which is possible to understand the expected behaviour of the HTTP-Forwarding feature of the GPS service?

Best regards,

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Apologies for a delayed response.
When the issue reproduces, could you log into the device using SSH/CLI and run the following command:

cat $(ubus call gsm.modem0 info | jsonfilter -e '@.gps_port')

It will provide the raw output of the LTE modem GPS port, as this data is used in the routers’ backend to send it to the remote server. The output should look similar to this:

If you see empty GPGGA sentences, then it’s a good indication that the router simply does not have a signal to any/enough sattelites.

Best regards,

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