RUT955 SMS gateway "messages/actions/send" endpoint

Hi all , I’m trying to send out an sms using the Send Message API endpoint shown in the docs.

Where do I find this “modem” value that is required?
Im using a RUT955 with the latest firmware loaded and the sim card in slot 1.

Has anyone got this to work?

The “/api/login” endpoint works and returns a token but when trying the “messages/actions/send” endpoint I get the following response in postman’s

Any help would be appreciated,



To find the required modem value for the “Send Message” API endpoint, you can use the following command on your RUT955 device CLI:

ubus call mctl list

In the command output, look for the “usb_id” parameter. This value indicates the modem identifier and typically looks like 1-1 or 3-1. Use this value as the modem parameter in your API request.

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Thank Martynas,

Here is what I got below

When I try this in postmans I get a html page reponse and not json?

I also use the Bear Token I get from the api/login endpoint but it doesn’t seem to work?

Oh forgot to at “api” before the endpoint,

Managed to get it to work now.

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