I am currently trying to poll the Analog Input over modbus on a Teltonika RUT956. It looks like it is a scaled value of some sort however I can not find any documentation showing what the scaling is. With nothing connected to the port and it showing 0mA in the web ui, it is reading around 13,600 via modbus. Where would I find the scaling for this register please?
Could you please confirm the following:
- Data Type: What request data type are you currently using? It should be set to 32-bit INT.
- Register Number: Which specific register number are you attempting to read? Specifically for reading Analog Input the First Register number should be set to 142, register count/values – 2.
Additionally, if possible, could you provide a screenshot of your Modbus serial client configuration window?
For more guidance, you may also find it helpful to review the Modbus configuration details available here: RUT956 Modbus Documentation.
Best regards,
Hi Martynas,
- Datatype I am using 32 bit unsigned integer. In Kepware, this is a “Double Word”.
- I am using Register Number 141 + 142 as per the link you have attached.
Through trial and error today, I have found the following values:
0mA = 458752 over modbus
4mA = 314441728 over modbus
8mA = 628424704 over modbus
12mA = 940900352 over modbus
16mA = 1253310464 over modbus
20mA = 1531969536 over modbus
I am not sure if this is different between modems but would be great to get some documentation on this from Teltonika.
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