RUT955 doesn't connect to RMS currently

After changing the firmware from customed one to the one of those available here( RUT955 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki ), the device become unable to connect to RMS.

On the RMS web UI, it says “The platform cannot validate this device’s authenticity. Please confirm whether the device’s manufacturing information was inputted correctly. If this persists, please contact support.”

On the other hand, on the web UI of the device, it says "
Failure (Server refused connection. The device may be blocked or unidentified)
" especially in the part relevant to RMS.

How should I confirm wheter the device’s manufacturing information was inputted correctly ?

with best wishes,

Jun Tamaru


A simplest check would be by removing the device from RMS and adding it back. This way the certificates on the device will be regenerated, as they might have been deleted when updating from the custom firmware.
If that does not help, make sure the device has a valid serial number and other parameters in the Status → System page.
Let me know how it goes.

Best regards,

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Thanks !

It goes well !

with best wishes,

Jun Tamaru

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