RUT955 bricked "It's working!"


My RUT955 died last night, it didn’t transfer any traffic, even mobile connection was up. I tried few different options and update the firmware, but finally decided to reset it by pushing the reset button & power up.

It didn’t still function properly, e.g. LAN DHCP was active, but it didn’t deploy any addresses. With fixed IP Internet connection was working.

I did factory reset from UI, but it didn’t really wake up anymore. It was sitting in the original IP but web server only gave “It’s working!” text, nothing more. SSH was down.

Any idea what may have caused this? And how to make working again :smiley:

So which firmware you’re on now?
06.09.5 or 07.06.14?

RUT955 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Next thing I’d try is the Bootloader recovery described here:

Have you got a legacy 955, as it dictates the version of firmware that is loadable.

Other than that, follow @TeWe 's advice.

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Same here. No bootloader showing up, though 4 leds on green.
Kept the RU955 out of my sight since 2022, because was resetting on 00.06.083 fw.
TODAY, upgraded the firmware hoping Teltonika had fixed all the issues AFTER 2.5 years, but guess not…


@SaiQmon did you try installing 06.09.5 version via bootloader menu? @Mike is right, if your RUT955 is a legacy device, it will not support 07.0X.XX firmware.

Kind regards,

I was finally able to factory reset it. Thinking about installing openwrt.

Go ahead. I am running large fleet of RUT955, with “official” openwrt. Which is heavily customized, with special LUA scripts, auto-switchover between wan/wwan/wifiwan, data-queuing, remote firmware update OTA, special ModBus/RTU connection, AWS-IoT-connection, VPN (wireguard) …

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