RUT955 and certificates


I have a Root CA and want my RUT955 to derive it’s server certificate for the WebUI (https) from it. Can you provide a manual how to do this?

Is there a way to automize those steps (upload CA and derive server certificate from it) through SSH?

Thanks in advance


You can download certificates from the WebUI by navigating to System → Administration → Certificates. More information can be found on our wiki here: RUT955 Administration - Teltonika Networks Wiki.

Regarding automating the process via SSH, you can try writing a script to automate it. You can find examples of custom scripts here: User Scripts examples - Teltonika Networks Wiki.

Best regards,


thanks for the information. I checked the User script examples but found no example which fits to my needs? Can you provide an exmaple:

  • I have a Root CA - How can I upload it
  • I want to modem to derive it’s WebUI certificate from the previous uploaded Root CA - How can I do that?

Thanks in advance

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