In the previous version, I could select HTTP(S) as the protocol. In the current RUT951 version, only HTTP and MQTT are available as Type. For this, I select the Enable secure connection option and in that section it asks me for 3 certificates. I do not have certificates, what should I do about this? As a result, I will send data to Google Cloud via Modbus.,
You can generate the required certificates directly from your device:
Go to System → Administration → Certificates.
Select Simple as the file type, then click Generate.
Once generated, navigate to the Certificates Manager tab to locate the files:
Certificate authority file: ca.cert.pem
Client certificate: client.cert.pem
Client private key: client.key.pem
Download these certificates and then upload them in your Data to Server configuration. Make sure to also add them in the appropriate sections of your Google Cloud server settings for a secure connection.