It is switching between WAN and mobile like every minute. I know for a fact that the Starlink router is stable as it works great on its own. Through the Rut951 not so much…
Updated to the latest firmware but no improvement.
Any suggestions?
It is switching between WAN and mobile like every minute. I know for a fact that the Starlink router is stable as it works great on its own. Through the Rut951 not so much…
Updated to the latest firmware but no improvement.
Any suggestions?
Can you look at the starlink app?
Are you seen some lost of signal?
As Marcelo mentioned, please verify if the Starlink connection is experiencing any issues, as this could be causing disconnections on the RUT951 side.
Additionally, try using a different Ethernet cable to see if the issue persists. Also, consider inserting the cable into different LAN ports on the RUT951 to rule out any port-specific issues.
For more detailed logs from RUT951, you can find them in the WebUI under System → Maintenance → Troubleshoot by clicking Show next to System.log. This will help you identify any specific issues related to the device stopping its WAN connection from Starlink.
It may also be helpful to check the logs from Starlink for more insights into the problem.
Best regards,
Sample of Starlink log screen.
Also… please check the sky visibility…
Even in an environment where Starlink has no visible obstruction, signal loss will always occur, as the satellites are always moving and the antenna signal switches between satellites.
Well… The starlink is working perfectly when used directly, or when connected to another router. When plugged into the 951… Se above situation
According to the starlink there might have been some disturbance to the service last 12 hours, but nothing like the disturbance I see in the 951(every minute).
Could you please confirm if you have checked the logs from the RUT951? Additionally, have you tried using a different Ethernet cable to rule out potential hardware issues?
Best regards,
I have not. I will try to retrieve them, and tru with different ethernet cable next time I am on location. -Good ideas!
I’ll be awaiting your feedback!
Best regards,
Okey, so I swapped out the cable between Rut and mesh network. cant tell any difference. Maybe not surprising as things are somewhat stable if mob1s2a1 is only the WAN.
When I plug starlink directly into the mesh network things are also stable. Trouble starts when I want the Rut951 to handle both SIM card and starlink…
This is the event log
RUT951 - Teltonika (93.7 KB)
Just checking about tcp/ip address of your Starlink and the tcp/ip address of your RUT.
The starlink wan and the rut lan… They are not in the same ip address?
like 192.168.1.x ?
So… the wan are getting something like 192.168.100.x and your rut lan are in 192.168.1.x ?
Because you cannot change the tcp/ip address of the Starlink.
Please… You must change the LAN tcp/ip address of your RUT. Cannot be the same 192.168.1.x .
Any news?
Oh! You are probably right! They both have the same default IP adress… I did not think of that
In my boat however: There I have a RutX4 and a starlink mini in its WAN port. I realized minis internal router and the Teltonika had the same IP adress, so I changed the RutX4
s to
Did not help. Can even read a newspaper online if connected to the Rut. If I connect to the Starlink(which has way weaker WIFI signal) I never notice any service interuptions. Could it be that Teltonikas failover capability is way too sensitive? So that every time the Starlink experiences a 1 sec interruption it is detected as “WAN down”, and I experience service interruption?
Are you using RJ45 ethernet cable between your RUT and Teltonika! Correct?
Can you disable the failover function at the RUT? Just for a troubleshooting?
Hi… leave everything off… just for troubleshooting… Agree?
Hi, @Heltenraymond
How it the test, with load balance OFF for everything?
So have been running some days now with failover and load balancing off. It did improve! But still kind of unstable. Sometimes web pages will take 5 minutes to load, and sometimes not at all. When I connect directly to the starlink everything is peachy.
Thank you for trying to help. I appreciate