RUT950 not connecting to cel network

I have two RUT950 modems that are not connecting to the mobile network. I have purchased several in the past that all worked fine, so it should not be a problem with the local network.


I had to set the APN manually to get above result. With auto APN i dont see any signals.

I cant upload the troubleshoot log (new user)



I noticed that the Operator state is in Limited service mode. This could indicate various issues such as poor coverage or restrictions imposed by your provider.

Firstly, I recommend testing the SIM card on other devices to see if it functions properly there. If not, you should contact your SIM card provider for assistance.

Furthermore, you can try using a SIM card from another provider in the RUT950 to see if the issue lies with the RUT950 device itself.

Best regards,


Hi Marijus.
I tried 2 sim cards from two different networks. Both are working fine in a phone but not in the RUT950. I have installed RUT950 devices before and did not encounter any problems, just insert the sim and it worked without problems. The only difference is i bought these two from digikey and the previous ones from mouser.
Can you give me permission to upload the troubleshoot file?


It appears that you are currently using the newest firmware. It’s highly probable that this may be causing interference with the correct functioning of the device. Could you please try downgrading to the previous software version to see if this resolves the issue?

Best regards,


Hi Marijus.

I flashed RUT9_R_00.07.06.3 now. but the problem is still same.

the sim im using for the RUT950 is Smart. I tried cellcard also, same result


Looks like to determine the root cause of this issue, we’ll need the troubleshoot file. Since it contains private information, we’ll handle it on a separate platform. Instructions for accessing it have been sent to the email you registered for this forum.

Kind regards,



Please send another email to the provided email address with troubleshoot file attached.

Kind regards,


Sorry, i only got noreply email adresses


It seems that the email you provided is invalid or blocking emails from Hubspot. Could you please fill out the form again with a different email address?

Thank you,



Upon reviewing the troubleshoot file you provided, I found that the modem failed to parse the response for VOLTE settings, resulting in the inability to establish a connection.

Please try turning off the VOLTE service in Network → Mobile → General. Afterward, restart the device.

Kind regards,


Hi Marijus.

I disabled VOTE, but no connection yet.

Sent an updated troubleshoot file.



It seems you’ve purchased a router intended for the North American market. Unfortunately, this router won’t work in your region. I would recommend exchanging it for one that is suitable for your region.

Kind regards,


Hi Marijus.
So how can i determine what region the router is? Is there a difference in type nr?

Within 10 seconds googling you find this:

Use CTRL-F with “America” and see the different product codes of this device (page 9).
Compare to yours and see if you’re good or not.

Quite simple :wink:

1 Like


Yes, @TeWe is correct. The information can be found on the product datasheet. Additionally, it can be found on the RUT950 product page (RUT950 4G Wi-Fi Router) under the section “Ordering”:

Best regards,

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