RUT950 captive does not work

I’m not able to use portal / captive function
“Redirect captive portal” is set to active, both WiFi-status are up (1. the AccessPoint for the internal communication and the 2. the Client connected to the captive portal of the camp side).
A first rerouting ( seems to work, but the next rerouting to the login page of the camp side ( does not happen. On other devices (iPhone, Windows 10 workstation) the rerouting and login is working.
Reeboot or reset to firmware setting does not solve it.

And a second question:
how it’s possible to save more WiFi client connections. If one is set a second scan and join delivers the error messeage:
“2.4GHz radio(s) already have one client or Multi AP. To specify few possible APs for client use single Multi AP.”
which does not give an hint how to have more than one client connection saved.

newest versions:
Firmware version: RUT9_R_00.07.06.16
Firmware build date: 2024-09-05 09:39:44
Internal modem firmware version: EC25ECGAR06A04M1G_01.004.01.004
Kernel version: 5.4.259


Thank you for reaching out.

Regarding the first issue with the captive portal redirection, could you please confirm if you have the Travelmate package installed on your RUT950? This package can help manage WiFi connections and captive portal behavior effectively. Additionally, I recommend reviewing the following wiki page for detailed guidance on resolving captive portal redirection issues:
Connecting to a Hotspot WiFi for Internet Connectivity.

As for your second question, it is possible to have multiple AP clients using the Multi AP feature. This allows you to connect to multiple Access Points. You can find all the necessary information on configuring Multi AP in the following guide: Multi AP Configuration on RUT950.

Please let me know if you need further assistance or have any additional questions.

Best regards,

thanks for your instant reply. Yes package “Travelmate” was installed.
Now the strange thing: Only if the “Redirect captive portal” is set to off under
Network/Wireless/SSIDs/Additional Setting
redirection to captive portal is functioning. This behaviour is reproduceable.

In regards to the second point:
Yes, with Multi AP it’s possible to configure more than one client. But I’m wondering why WiFis can be added only manually not by scan in Multi AP mode. Dosn’t make any sense for me.

One addition: why the scanned Wifi APs are not ordered by signal strenght? Would make the usage much more easier, because on some campsides you have dozends of APs and you have to scroll through the whole list to find the one with the best signal strength.
One hint would be usefull: you have to assure, that the device IP-address is different to the one of the DNS-Server of the connected client / AP. Often the default setting ( is used on public AP too.
Best regards, Joachim.

Hi Martynas,
any update on this issue? BR, Joachim

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