My credits recently expired, so I purchased one years worth of new ones and received a credit code for this, which I entered. While the code was accepted, the RMS feature didn’t work, and I could not access the device remotely. I travelled to the site today (100km away) and rebooted everything. The router is correctly configured and everything seemed to be working locally, but I still couldn’t connect to it remotely through the RMS cloud upon returning. Now it shows this:
let me first say that RMS is somewhat unstable since the last update attempt on
last wednesday.
As long as your MAC and serial are correct and the RUT has internet connection
everything should go smoothly, but again, since last week…
Are you still on-site? What does the RMS status in the RUT WebGUI say?
And: can you reach the RUT via SMS?
Regarding your question about the sevice expiration: the tokens are not directly
assigned to a device until this device needs one. And that is when the current
token expires.So in your case the service will expire on December, 12th and
then a token will be used from the pool.
I want to mention that my RUT240 and 241s (around 70 of them) are not reachable
via RMS either at the moment, and that’s very annoying because I wanted to do
some maintenance today.
Thanks for letting me know. It saves me from going out to my single site to do more trouble shooting, which I was planning to do today. I guess we just have to wait until they solve it.
When a device shows as “not activated” in RMS, it means it hasn’t connected to the RMS server. You can connect it through the WebUI by clicking the Connect button in Services > Cloud Solutions > RMS, or by sending an SMS command: <device_password rms_connect>.
Thank you. If this is the solution, then that’s great if the sms service supports sending sms messages. Mine doesn’t. In Sweden, these “extra-data” sims don’t support sending sms messages generally. This means I have to do a site visit, 100 km, then 100km back. It kind of defeats the purpose of having such a unit, if it cannot be relied up on to reboot itself fully after an update without requiring interaction.