RUT241 completely unreachable

Hi, we have about 30 RUT241 routers in our production, attached to forklifts. This is the third router which has had this weird problem. Only power and LAN port has a light when i plug it in, sometimes all the lights are on but the router is unreachable. Earlier i was able to upgrade the firmware through bootloader, after upgrading the router went back to this weird state.

The one I’m currently working on is not responding to anything. It looks like it goes to bootloader mode but I cant access nor I have set my static IP to

This seems like hardware issue to me, these have been in use for about 6 months and this is the third one that has had this problem.

Thank you in advance.


It is good to know you have tried the bootloader menu, and you are right, it seems that the problem may be related to a hardware issue, which would require an RMA.

I recommend reaching out to your sales manager or the reseller from whom you purchased the device for further assistance. Alternatively, you can use the ‘contact us’ form available here.

Best Regards,