Rut240 problem after fw update 07.06.10

Hi everyone
I encountered some problems after updating the firmware from 07.06.03 to 07.06.10 without saving the configuration.
the RUT240 gave the wrong user/password (with default password)
I tried to restore the firmware 07.06.03 via bootloader and it started working again.
I tried again to update the firmware to 07.06.10 while keep the settings and it worked.
I did a hard reset of the device and the default password worked.
As soon as I finished the wizard configuration, I inserted the SIM (while the device was turned on) and it connected to the LTE network but the LAN port stopped working. Web interface unreachable and ping failed, the wifi connection worked fine.
I turned the device off and on again and the LAN worked.
Clearly I will test the device but I wanted to understand the reason for this LAN not worked and whether the problem could arise in the future.
I also wanted to ask if there is a Teltonika software that detects devices connected via LAN giving information such as IP, firmware version, device name, etc. like Ubiquiti software does with all their devices: CPE, router, dream machine, etc.
and if it is possible to implement the test mode in the next firmware with the possibility of modifying the duration of the test time and/or the safe mode as in the Mikrotik routers. It could be useful in the event of a setting error on devices reached remotely and/or after switched the SIMs on dual SIM routers (primary sim/secondary sim) if one of the 2 SIMs has a poor LTE signal
Best regards


It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue, but inserting the SIM card while the device was powered on might have triggered a re-initialization process, leading to a temporary disruption in LAN connectivity until the device completed initialization.

Before updating the device or restoring it to defaults, it’s highly recommended to save a backup file to ensure that you don’t lose your configurations. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

Regarding software solutions, Teltonika offers the Remote Management System (RMS), an all-in-one IoT platform that provides remote access and management for all connected Teltonika Networks and third-party devices. It’s a powerful tool for monitoring and managing your network remotely.
You can find more information about RMS here:

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply
I know the RMS service and in some cases I use it to reach devices remotely. But if you make a mistake or if the secondary SIM has worse problems than the primary SIM, when you perform a remote SIM change, the device will not connect to the LTE network and therefore will not even be accessible from the RMS service. I believe that using the test mode could make the device return if the secondary SIM has a worse or no connection compared to the first SIM, because it would return to the settings when the device was still reachable.
As for the other question, I have about 100 Teltonika devices and I would like to have a software that, when connecting the device to the LAN, at least tells me the IP address.

Thanks for your support

If we do a mistake in RMS and “lose” the device in RMS, bringing it back to life (means back into RMS) via SMS Utilities almost always helped us out.
Is this no option for you?

Exit plan:
Remote (factory) reset but device will come up into RMS on SIM1 then…

it could be an alternative if the operator has the message delivered and the router will also have to execute the command (it happened to me that the status or reboot is not performed by the device and I also check the presence of the message within the “messages” ) and then I would have to reconfigure the device remotely using the RMS service or upload the configuration.
Feasible except for various problems just described but not smart compared to the test mode/safe mode

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